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محامي تغيير الأعمال في ليبوركي

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Title | Description | Source | Link |
Al Lee-Bourke on LinkedIn | Al Lee-Bourke's LinkedIn profile | Al Lee-Bourke | LinkedIn | |
Change Management Blogs | Change Management Blogs | Al Lee-Bourke for Prosci® | |
Free Change Management Videos | Around four hours of three to eight minute videos explaining various aspects of Change Management | Al Lee-Bourke | |
Change Management Field Notes – how it works and tips for doing it | Audio Sample (2m43s) | Al Lee-Bourke | |
Prosci® Change Management Certification Program | Prosci® | During this three-day experiential session, you’ll apply Prosci’s methodology and ADKAR Model to one of your active projects. In addition to learning Prosci’s best-practices approach to change management and gaining access to our industry-leading tools, you and your peers can share challenges, solutions and insights. Graduates earn the distinction of being a Prosci Certified Change Practitioner. | Prosci® | |
Best Practices in Change Management - 11th Edition (pp124-136) | Change Management budget | Prosci® | |
Diffusion of Innovations - 5th Edition (p20) | The role of a personal innovation / decision process in adoption | Everett Rogers | |
The Social Construction of Reality | The role of socialization, conversation and identity in mythmaking and human cooperation | Peter Berger & Thomas Luckmann | |
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow | The role of intersubjective realities and mythmaking in human cooperation | Yuval Noah Harari | |
The Hero with a thousand faces | The role of the monomyth in change: A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered, and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man | Joseph Campbell, Wikipedia | |
What is Cognitive Dissonance? Definition and Examples | Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance. | SImply Psychology, Saul McLeod | |
The Rites of Passage | Rites of separation, transition rites, rites of incorporation (current, transition and future states of change) | Liminality - Rites of Passage, Arnold Van Gennep | |
Don't patronize me! An experiment on preferences for authorship | People are willing to pay money to have caused outcomes themselves | Journal of Economics & Management Strategy - Don't patronise me! An experiment on preferenxes for authorship. Silvia Lübbecke & Wendelin Schnedler | |
Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behaviour | How intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are key to human behaviour | Edward L Deci & Richard M Ryan | |
Change Management Plans | Role, Activity and Extend action plans | Prosci® | |
The Method - Konstantin Stanislavski | The performer should give "sincere and expressive performances through identifying with, understanding, and experiencing a character's inner motivation and emotions.” They should “make use of experiences from their own lives...recall sensations involved in experiences that made a significant emotional impact...without faking or forcing, allow those sensations to stimulate a performance | Wikipedia | |
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life | Dramaturgy' (Impression Management) analysis | Sociology Group on Erwin Goffmans 'Dramaturgy' | |
Why the ADKAR™ Blueprint is a Game Changer for Change | The ADKAR Model has always resonated with people because it is people focused, intuitive and effective. We all know that organizational outcomes are the collective result of individual change. Managing change by starting with the ADKAR Blueprint requires us to focus on what is needed to achieve a successful change one person at a time. | Prosci® | |
How to effectively build out a Role Roster for Change | The change practitioner’s role is to stand on the side of the stage behind the curtain while the main actors are on stage fulfilling their audience-facing roles effectively. By identifying the right people, putting them in the right roles, and activating their unique contributions, you can produce the desired outcomes of any change. Even better, activating change roles effectively today helps individuals in your organization become better at their critical roles for every change you will experience in the days and months ahead. It's a great way to economize your efforts. | Prosci® | |
Core Roles in Change Management | Employee-facing, Enabling and Additional Roles | Prosci® | |
How Each Plan Primarily Influences the ADKAR™ Model | Every change initiative needs a combination of plans, and the right combination depends on your needs. The Prosci Methodology encourages change practitioners to take a flexible approach to developing change management plans based on numerous factors including the risk level of the change, culture of the organization, and the practitioner’s change management competency level. These factors influence which plans to choose—whether the ADKAR Blueprint alone or some other combination of core and extend plans—to support your work and success with change. | Prosci® | |
Individual Barriers to Change and What To Do About them | Although barrier points at each element can have consequences, the relationships between ADKAR elements are important because the five building blocks are sequential. | Prosci® | |
The five most important Operating Room metrics | First case start time, turnover times, complications and outcomes, block scheduling, cancellation rates | Casectrl | |
Do Employees Really Know What's Expected of Them? | Only about one-third of U.S. workers are engaged at work -- and that figure has barely budged in more than a decade. Worse, just 13% of employees worldwide are engaged. | Gallup | |
Majority Of Americans Would Rather Fire their Boss Than Get A Raise | In a new survey released this week in celebration of National Boss Day (it's a thing), it was revealed that 65% of Americans say getting rid of their boss would make them happier than a salary increase. | Forbes | |
Why Do So Many Managers Forget They’re Human Beings? | A survey published by Forbes found that 65% of employees would forego a pay raise if it meant seeing their leader fired, and a 2016 Gallup engagement survey found that 82% of employees see their leaders as fundamentally uninspiring. In our opinion, these two things are directly related. | HBR | |
If your company was a soccer team | Deconstruction of Covey's interpretation of Harris Survey on employee attitudes | B2B CFO | |
The 8th Habit – from Effectiveness to Greatness | Covey's follow-up to 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' | Stephen R Covey | |
The Prosci® ADKAR™ Model | The personal innovation / decision model: ADKAR™ | Prosci® | |
The 5 Tenets of Change Management | Organizational change requires personal change. Organizational outcomes are the collective result of indivdiual change | Prosci® | |
Why Some Communications work and others don't | The preferred senders of change management messages | Prosci® | |
Primary Sponsor's Role and Importance | Active and visible Sponsorship is the number one success factor for any people dependent change program | Prosci® | |
Diffusion of Innovations - 5th Edition (p353) | The role of 'Watching while being watched' in adoption | Everett Rogers | |
CLARC: The Role of People Managers in Change Management | The five roles of a Manager during change | Prosci® | |
Microsoft Learning Pathways™ | Microsoft Corporation | Microsoft | |
The Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Teams™ | Forrester | Forrester |!&&p=b1baad61e7b618a9JmltdHM9MTY2NzI2MDgwMCZpZ3VpZD0xYjIyNzA3OC0xNTAzLTY2OGYtMTlhYi02MTk4MTRjODY3ZjQmaW5zaWQ9NTIyNw&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=1b227078-1503-668f-19ab-619814c867f4&psq=total+economic+impact+of+microsoft+teams&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbS9taWNyb3NvZnQtMzY1L2Jsb2cvd3AtY29udGVudC91cGxvYWRzL3NpdGVzLzIvMjAxOS8wNC9Ub3RhbC1FY29ub21pYy1JbXBhY3QtTWljcm9zb2Z0LVRlYW1zLnBkZg&ntb=1 |
Microsoft Teams™ - how the Adoption Score is calculated | Microsoft Corporation | Microsoft | |
Microsoft Teams™ Adoption Score | Microsoft Corporation | Microsoft | |
Learn from the best in Organizational Transformation | Boston Consulting Group | BCG | |
The $900 billion reason GE, Ford, and P&G failed at digital transformation | Failure due to lack of change management | CNBC | |
3-day Prosci Certified Practitioner accreditation class | Prosci's® Description of the PCP accreditation class | Prosci® | |
The Four Stage Strategy | BBC TV Comedy - Yes Minister | BBC TV | |
Digital Transformation is not about technology | Harvard Business Review | HBR | |
Change Management Field Guide - how it works at tips for doing it | Al Lee-Bourke's Change Management foundations book | Al Lee-Bourke | |
Diffusion of Innovations - 5th Edition | Everett Rogers' foundational work on adoption | Everett Rogers | |
Technology…but in the end its only a tool | Microsoft AI commercial, featuring Common | Microsoft | |
leebourke Change Counsel Ltd Home page | Al Lee-Bourke's business home page | Al Lee-Bourke | |
Leebourke Business Change Counsel
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