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What they don't teach you at change management school...

If you're thinking about diving into this book from page one to the end, you better be prepared to hunker down for a solid ten hours. But don't expect it to be a rollicking good time like reading an airport novel. This is more like a textbook—something you'll want to read, then stick in your back pocket and keep handy for those moments when you're scratching your head and thinking how the hell do I do that again?

It's got nearly a hundred tables, some packed with advice and others suggesting actions for the subject at hand. Now I’m not saying it's got everything you'll ever need to know, but I've done my best to make it as comprehensive as possible. And if you're sharp enough, you'll notice that the practical stuff and approaches hint at a much deeper vein of knowledge and guidance. And let me tell you, that's more of the good stuff they don't teach you in change management school. So, if you're liking this book and want to know more, get in touch. And in the meantime, enjoy the ride.


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  • Case study—the good and the bad
    Approximate read time: 3-4 minutes. Overview What went wrong? What should have happened? Lessons Learned Ways to not ignore the human element
  • Change Management Top 10s
    Approximate read time: 50-60 minutes. Includes nine checklists. Ten Guidestones for Change Management Ten Golden rules for Change Management Ten elevator-pitches for Change Management Ten things you might not see coming Ten consequences of poor Change Management Ten worse pieces of advice for Change Management practice Ten metaphors for Change Management Ten logical fallacies in Change Management Ten Growth Mindset principals for Change Management
  • Digital Transformation—IT Technical Disciplines
    Approximate read time: 15-20 minutes. Appendix 1 contains a description of forty Information Technology functions. Overview Digital Transformation and the Information Technology Function IT Roles in Digital Transformation Key IT DT roles and how Change Management helps Benefits common to all IT functions Benefits to specific IT functions Chief Information Officer / Chief Technology Officer Enterprise architecture Cloud solution architecture Project management DevOps IT service management IT governance management IT service desk IT vendor management IT strategy management IT governance and compliance A deeper dive into Enterprise Architecture and DevOps Change Management for DevOps Pro-stance Con-stance What should you do? Change Management for Enterprise Architecture Pro-stance Con-stance What should you do? Wrap up
  • What makes people change?
    Approximate read time: 4-5 minutes. Includes two checklists. The secret to change—self-determination Mythmaking and culture Driving fast-change Fast-change characteristics Supporting fast-change
  • Digital Culture Change Leadership (DCCL)
    Approximate read time: 10-13 minutes. Includes four checklists. Overview Digital culture transformation drivers What is digital culture? Macro themes Micro themes Key digital culture change leadership principals Analyzing culture Cultural analysis tools Prosci® Cultural Dimensions Analyzer Sample outputs Human Synergistics Circumplex How it works Wrap up
  • Top-down, bottom-up (or both)?
    Approximate read time: 10-15 minutes. Includes two checklists. What is bottom-up change? Examples Is Scenario Discovery the same as bottom-up change? Pros & Cons of top-down/bottom-up Which approach do I use? Why do I try to use bottom-up? Decision process Action checklist
  • Why is change difficult?
    Approximate read time: 3-5 minutes. Overview Wrap up
  • How much does it cost?
    Approximate read time: 3-5 minutes. Overview Change Management spending as a proportion of the overall project budget What is the budget spent on? What should I include in the budget? How do I structure the budget?
  • Summing up
    Approximate read time: 3-5 minutes. Summing up Once upon a time in Norway...
  • Appendix 5—My take on self-determination theory
    Approximate read time: 4-6 minutes. Includes two checklists. Key elements How ADKAR™ and self-determination intersect
  • A day in my change management life
    Read time: 2-3 minutes.
  • Coaching for change
    Approximate read time: 8-11 minutes. Includes one checklist. Pavarotti had a singing teacher Access problems Sponsor actions Manager actions Time commitments How to be active and visible
  • Meta Change Management Ready Reckoner
    Approximate read time: 16-20 minutes. Includes nineteen checklists. Fable Top 10s Why change management? What makes people change? How adoption works Why is change difficult? Top-down, or bottom-up (or both) Digital Transformation technical IT disciplines Case study Who does it? What tools do I use? How much does it cost? Change management outcomes Managing resistance Workforce analysis Coaching for change Digital culture change leadership Tips from the field Twenty-five change management methodology review—synthesis
  • Appendix 3—More Top 10s
    Eight top 10s for Change Management Approximate read time: 20-25 minutes. Includes nine checklists. Top Ten Philosophical principles of Change Management Top Ten Change Management Responses to VUCA Top Ten AGILE/agile Change Management Factors Top Ten Change Management contributors to the North Star approach to project objectives Top Ten Change Psychological Contributors to Change Management Top Ten System one, System two thinking contributors to Change Management Top Ten Myers-Briggs Contributors to Change Management Top Ten Neuro Linguistic Programming Contributors to Change Management Wrap up Takeaways Top 10s actions
  • References
    The book contains 198 references as follows. For live hyperlinks please refer to the e-book on Amazon. 2GC – article. What is Balanced Scorecard? 2GC – Active Management – survey. Balanced scorecard Usage 2020 Survey Agile Manifesto – article. Manifesto for Agile Software Development Al Lee-Bourke – video. Prosci’s® 4Ps Exercise Alfred J Marrow – book. The practical theorist: The life and work of Kurt Lewin p290 B2B CFO – article. Steven Covey – If Your Company Was a Soccer Team B2B Frameworks – article. Weisbord’s Six-Box Model Behavioral Insights Team – article. EAST: Four Simple Ways to Apply Behavioral Insights Being First – article. The Change Leaders Roadmap Methodology Boston Consulting Group – article. Learn from the Best in Organizational Transformation Bruce Springsteen – video. Born to Run Business Change Counsel – article. Prosci® PCP Training Business News Daily – article. Is Net Promoter Score Still Useful? BusinessBalls – article. Beckhard-Harris Change Equation Change Management Coach – article. The Kurt Lewin Change Model Change Management Insight – article What is Nudge Theory Change Management Insight – article. Burke Litwin Model of Change Change Management Insight – article. Lewin’s Force Field Analysis Change Management Insights – article. What is the Kübler-Ross change curve? ChangeFirst – article. 6 Critical Success Factors for implementing change that sticks CMC – article. The 7 Enhancements to the Prosci Methodology in 2021 CNBC Markets – quote. The $900 billion reason GE, Ford, and P&G failed at digital transformation. Counselling Directory – article. What is Transactional Analysis? Daniel Kahnemann – book. Thinking, Fast and Slow David Halpern and Rory Gallagher, article. Can ‘nudging’ Change Behaviour? Using ‘Behaviour Insights to Improve Program Design E Deci and R Ryan – book. Self-Determination Theory E Goffman – book. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Edward Deci and Richard Ryan – book. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behaviour Edward Deci and Richard Ryan - book. Self-Determination Theory. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross – book. On Death and Dying: What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy, and Their Own Family Everett Rogers – book. Diffusion of Innovations – 5th Edition Everett Rogers – book. Diffusion of Innovations – 5th Edition. p343 Everett Rogers – book. Diffusion of Innovations – 5th Edition. p350 Everett Rogers – book. Diffusion of Innovations – 5th Edition. p353 Everett Rogers – book. Diffusion of Innovations – 5th Edition. p365 Everett Rogers – book. Diffusion of Innovations – 5th Edition. p410 Explorable – article. Methods of Survey Sampling F Trompennaars & C Hampden-Turner. Riding the Waves of Culture. Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business Financial Times – article. How to future-proof company culture Forbes – article. Majority Of Americans Would Rather Fire their Boss Than Get a Raise Forrester – reference. The Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Teams G Hofstede – article. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory Gallup – article. Do Employees Really Know What's Expected of Them? Gartner – article. Organizational Change Management Genius – article. Samuel Beckett Worstward Ho Geoffrey A Moore – book. Crossing the Chasm Getty Images – article. Piper Alpha survivor, Andy Mochan talks about escaping from the oil rig. Giga Information Group – quote. Culture eats strategy for breakfast (note: this quote is often misattributed to Peter Drucker). Gill R Hickman – article. Leading Change in Multiple Contexts: Concepts and practices in organizational, community, political, social, and global change settings Gill R Hickman – book. Leading Change in Multiple Contexts Grant Van Ulbrich – article. Introducing a New Model for Personal Change: The SCARED-SO WHAT™ Change Model H Gertha-Taylor et al. – article. Competency Model Designs and Assessment: Findings and Future Directions Harvard Business Review – article. How to Be an Effective Sponsor Harvard Business Review – article. How to Deal with Resistance to Change Harvard Business Review – article. John Kotter - Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail Harvard Business Review – article. Personality Tests Can help Balance a Team Harvard Business Review – article. The Limits of the “Sustainable” Economy Harvard Business Review – article. The One Number You Need to Grow Harvard Business Review – article. The Real Reason People Won’t Change Harvard Business Review – article. What Having a ‘Growth Mindset’ Actually Means Harvard Business Review – article. What VUCA really means for you Harvard Business Review – article. Where the Net Promoter Scores Goes Wrong Harvard Business Review – article. Why Do So Many Managers Forget They’re Human Beings? Harvard Business Review – quote. Digital transformation is not about technology Harvard Business School – article. A Model for Diagnosing Organizational Behavior. Heraclitus of Ephesus – quote. The Natural Philosophy of Heraclitus High Tech Strategies – article. Crossing the Chasm Summary HM Government – document. Social Network Analysis: How to guide Huffington Post – article. Make it an Intentional Conversation Human Synergistics – article. The Top Reasons for Successful Culture Change Human Synergistics International – article. The Human Synergistics Circumplex IMA – article. The AIM Methodology Internet Archive – article. Results Without Authority: Controlling a Project When the Team Doesn't Report to You ISIXSIGMA – article. Change Acceleration Process (CAP) Jack Welch – quote. GoodReads Jack Welch Management Institute. YouTube. What is the role of a leader? Jack Welch, GoodReads – article. Jack Welch Quotes Joe Peppard et al. – document. Managing the Realization of Business Benefits from IT Investments pp5-6 John Doerr – book. Measure what Matters Journal of Product Innovation Management – article. The origin and evolution of Stanford University’s design thinking: From product design to design thinking in innovation management Karl Jung – letter. CW IV, para. 774 Klaus Schwab – book. The Fourth Industrial Revolution Konstantin Stanislavski – article. The Method Kotter – article. The 8 Steps for Leading Change – article. What is a Key Performance Indicator? KPMG – article. Change Management. Embracing change in order to survive and thrive. Kurt Lewin, quote L Stone, C Underwoord & J Jotchkiss – article. The Relational Habitus: Intersubjective Process in Learning Settings LaMarsh – article. Three Stages of Organizational Change Lewis Carroll – book. Alices Adventures in Wonderland M Everett. Models of core/periphery structures Management Study Guide – article. Expectancy Theory of Motivation Mancur Olson – book. The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups McKinsey – article. Culture for a digital age McKinsey – article. Helping Employees Embrace Change Media 1 – article. Kotter – Jick Change Model Comparison Merriam-Webster – dictionary. Sponsor Etymology – to promise Microsoft – article. Measure business outcomes using objectives and key results Microsoft Teams™ - reference. Adoption Score Microsoft Teams™ - reference. How the Adoption Score is calculated Mind Tools – article. Immunity to Change – Overcoming Unconscious Assumptions MindTools – article. Force Field Analysis NASA – article. NASA Spacecraft Images offer Sharper Views of Apollo Landing Sites National Library of Medicine – article. Plaster or plasticity: are adult work experiences associated with personality change in women? NHS Scotland – article. Change Acceleration Process, Memory Jogger. NNLI – article. The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) study PennState – article. Managing Organizational Change: Lewin and Schein Peter Senge – book. The Fifth Discipline, the Art and Practice of the Learning Organization PMI – article. The Sponsor as the Face of Organizational Change Praxie– article. Use a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Change Delta to Create Your Team's Template to Success. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Change Delta Online App Pritchett – article. PRITCHETT’s Change Management Training Methodology Profit.CO – article. OKRs for goal setting and ensuring outcomes Project Manager – article. Project Management Office (PMO) Project SMART – article. A Brief History of SMART Goals Prosci® – article. Culture and Change Management: The Water We Swim In Prosci® - article. 5 Tents of Change Management Prosci® – article. Assess impacted groups Prosci® - article. Connecting Change to Business Results With the 4 P's Exercise Prosci® - article. Defining Change Impact Prosci® - article. Five Levels of Change Management Maturity Prosci® - article. How to Effectively Build Out a Role Roster for Change Prosci® - article. Individual Barriers to Change and What to do About Them Prosci® - article. Integrating Change Management and Project Management Prosci® - article. Making the Most of Good Resistance. Prosci® - article. Primary Sponsors' Role and Importance Prosci® - article. Prosci 3-Phase Process Prosci® – article. Prosci Change Triangle Model Overview Prosci® - article. Prosci Methodology Prosci® - article. Proxima Prosci® - article. Role Roster Prosci® - article. The Prosci ADKAR Model Prosci® - article. The Prosci ADKAR Model: Why it Works Prosci® – article. The role of people managers in Change Management Prosci® - article. Thriving through Change Prosci® – article. Training Programs Prosci® - article. Why Change Management Prosci® - article. Why Some Communications Work and Others Don’t Prosci® – blog. Successful Change Takes More Than Designing a Beautiful Solution. Prosci® - research. Best Practices in Change Management – 11th Edition p200 Prosci® - research. Best Practices in Change Management – 11th Edition pp124-136 Prosci® – research. Change Management and Agile – the intersection of the people side of change and Agile development processes. Prosci® -article. CLARC: The Role of People Managers in Change Management Prosci®—article. 5 Tenets of Change Management Prosci®—article. Change Management Plans Prosci®—article. Core Roles in Change Management Prosci®—article. Individual Barriers to Change and What to Do About Them Prosci®—article. Managing Resistance to Change Overview Prosci®—article. Primary Sponsor’s Role and Importance Prosci®—article. The five tenets of Change Management Prosci®—article. The Prosci® ADKAR™ model Prosci®—article. The Role of People Managers in Change Management Prosci®—article. Why Some Communications Work and Others Don’t Prosci®—article. Why the ADKAR™ Blueprint is a Game Changer for Change Prosci®—research. Best Practices in Change Management 11th Edition. P168 Psychology Today – article. Cognitive Dissonance Psychology Today – article. Conversation is Everything Psychology Today – article. Identity Psychology Today – article. Motivation Psychology Today – article. Social Cognitive Theory Psychology Today – article. Social Learning Theory Psychology Today – article. These Days, You Need to Understand the Sunk Cost Fallacy Quantum Workplace – article. Rethink Change Management Robert Kegan & Lisa Lahey – book. Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization (Leadership for the Common Good) Ron Leeman – LinkedIn. Common Change Management Methodology Components. Sage Journals – article. Social network analysis: a powerful strategy, also for the information sciences Satya Nadella – interview. CNA Interview November 17, 2022 (2m23-3m39) Satya Nadella – interview. CNBC Interview, November 18, 2022 (0m51s-0m58s) Science – article. The Tragedy of the Commons Revisited Science Direct – article. Advances in Motivation Science Science Direct – article. Cultural Heritage Semantic Scholar – article. Unfreezing change as three steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewin’s legacy for change management Silvia Lübbecke,Wendelin Schnedler – article. Don’t patronize me! An experiment on preferences for authorship Simply Psychology – article. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Simply Psychology – article. Social Cognitive Theory: How We Learn from the Behavior of Others. Simply Psychology – article. Social Identity Theory Skeptoid – article. NLP: Neuro-linguistic Programming Skeptoid – article. The Myers-Briggs Personality Test Social Care Institute for Excellence – article. From ‘bed sores’ to pressure ulcers Social Psychology – article. The Social Proof Theory Soteres consulting – article. Four reasons the “burning platform” gets change wrong Stephen R Covey – book. The 8th Habit. From Effectiveness to Greatness Strategic Management Insight – article. Mckinsey 7S Model T Hale – article. Competing Commitments and the Assumptions that Shape our Reality TedTalk Conference Dr. Atul Gawande – video. Want to get good at something – get a coach tes Magazine – interview with Carol Dweck. Growth Mindset. Where did it go wrong? Thanissaro Bhikkhu – article. All About Change The Change House - article. The Change House: How to avoid complacency, denial, and confusion. The Man with Two Brains – movie, YouTube. Drunk Test is hard-scene. Theodore Levitt – quote. Thought Co. – article. Attribution Theory: The Psychology of Interpreting Behavior. verywellmind – article. What is Cognitive Dissonance? WallStreetMojo – article. Network Externalities Warwick, Institute for Employment Research – article. Tacit Knowledge Wikipedia – article. Five Ws Wikipedia – Neuro-Linguistic Programming William Bridges – book. Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes Yes Minister – BBC TV. The Four-Stage Strategy Yuval Noah Harari – book. Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow
  • Appendix 1—IT Role Glossary
    Approximate read time: 5-8 minutes. Forty-four typical Information Technology function roles—description
  • Change Management outcomes
    Approximate read time: 17-20 minutes. Includes three checklists. Overview Digital Technologies supply possibilities Example of a possibility failure How do describe a quarter-inch hole Prosci's® 4Ps exercise Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Getting started with OKRs Examples Interpreting OKRs—realities vs. possibilities Common mistakes to avoid when using OKRs Benefits Dependency Network (BDN) Getting started with BDNs Business drivers Objectives Benefits Change Enabling initiatives Enabling technology Wrap up
  • People hate change—managing resistance
    Approximate read time: 20-25 minutes. Includes six checklists. Overview Why do people resist change? Egg whites and oxygen—cultural resistance Core periphery resistance Growth mindset resistance Twelve principals for managing resistance to change Managing resistance Prosci’s® approach Resistance by role Executives Managers End-users Managing cultural resistance Managing competing commitment resistance Immunity to change Diagnosing immunity to change Acting on resistance Change agent network approach Wrap up
  • Who does it and how?
    Approximate read time: 17-20 minutes. Includes one checklist. Overview Prosci's® Role Roster Sample plan entry Be like Bruce Springsteen Governance Roles Executive Sponsor People Manager Change Agent Change Management Lead Technical Project Manager Communications Lead Human Resources Lead Training Lead External Change Management Consultants Towards a governance RACI for Change Management
  • Appendix 4—25 Change Management Methodologies review
    My perspective on 25 different approaches and their connection to self-determination theory. A combined examination of important components to form a Meta-Change approach. Approximate read time: 30-40 minutes. Includes twenty-eight checklists. The Methodologies AIM Change Management Methodology Beckhard and Harris Change Equation Being First’s Change Leaders Roadmap Boston Consulting Group Change Delta Bridge’s Transition Model Burke & Litwin Model The Change House ChangeFirst PCI Model GE Change Acceleration Process (CAP) Hickman’s Leading Change in Multiple Contexts Jick’s 10-Step Tactical Change Model Knoster’s Model for Managing Complex Change Kotter’s 8-Step Model KPMG’s BCM Model The Kübler-Ross Five-Stage Model LaMarsh Global Change Methodology Kurt Lewin’s Change Model McKinsey’s 7-S Model Nadler and Tushman’s Congruence Model Pritchett’s Change Management Model Prosci’s® ADKAR™ Model SCARED-SO WHAT Model Schein’s Model of Change Senge’s Systemic Model Weisbord’s Six-Box Model Methodology Synthesis The Meta Change Management Methodology Meta-change—high-priority to-do's (19 actions) Meta-change—medium priority to-do's (12 actions) Meta-change—low-priority to-do's (9 actions) Takeaways
  • Why Change Management?
    Approximate read time: 2-3 minutes. Overview A Change Management Analogy (ROI) Case study
  • Appendix 2—Nudge/East summary
    Approximate read time: 4-6 minutes. A description of how Nudge/East works and how to apply it during change.
  • Why read this book?
    Read time: 2-3 minutes Welcome to What They Don't Teach You at Change Management School—from theory to practice and everything in-between, the ultimate guide to shaking up the status quo and approaching change with a rebellious spirit. If you're tired of being stuck in the same old change management routine, it's time to break free and start managing change like the wild, untamed beast that it is. With my comprehensive guide, you'll learn all the tips and tricks they don't teach you in school and become a change management master. One of my pet peeves motivated me to write this book—I’m sick of hearing people say that change management is too theoretical. Or, on the flip side, constantly being asked for evidence to support my recommendations? It can feel like no matter what I do, I just can't win. But fear not, if this happens to you, I’ve got your back. By combining theory and practice, I’ve come up with practical ways to apply change management in real-world projects. It's time to take control and start managing change like the boss you are. And another thing that really gets my goat is when people try to tell me that a specific change or new technology requires all sorts of special, one-of-a-kind approaches to change management. No, no, no. The things you need to do to help people adapt to change remain the same no matter what project you're working on. Sure, the technology might be different, the jargon might be different, the roles involved might be different, and the benefits might be different, but the core of change management stays the same. It's all about understanding what motivates you, me, and everyone else to change our lives. And that's not about technology – it's about people. That's why this book is here—to cut through all the nonsense and get to the heart of change management practice. No fluff, no jargon, just the straight-up truth about what it takes to successfully manage change. I've compiled all my knowledge and experience into a practical approach that I hope will be useful to you. If you're feeling overwhelmed, you can just skip to the end and use my Change Management Ready Reckoner (CMRR), which has all the key takeaways in easy-to-digest bites. But even if you do that, I still recommend giving the rest of the guide a read. Now, I've got to come clean with you: I'm a huge fan of Prosci®. Their stuff is just top-notch, and I use it in my own practice all the time. And it's not just because I'm a certified advanced instructor and practitioner with tons of real-world experience. It's because their methods are just that effective. Trust me on this one. That being said, I hope you'll also see a wide range of approaches and practices represented within these pages. I've tried to be as comprehensive as possible and include a variety of perspectives and techniques. So, whether you're a die-hard Prosci® fan or just looking for some fresh ideas, I hope you'll find something useful in these pages. Yeah, I might have missed a thing or two. It's always a risk when I’m trying to cover a lot of ground. But that's okay! I'm sure you'll let me know if I've overlooked anything important. And hey, that's what follow-up books are for, right? So, if there's something you think I should have included, don't hesitate to let me know. I'm always looking for ways to improve and expand upon my knowledge. So, listen up, or don't listen up. But if you don't listen up, how about you come up with your own approach. I’d read that. Either way, let's get going!
  • A day in my change management life
    Read time: 2-3 minutes.
  • How do debate Why Change Management?
    Approximate read time: 45-55 minutes. Logic, Debate, Dialogue Logical, assert/refute Illogical, refute/humor Satirical Dialogue Simple statements Debate Aphorism Metaphor Allegory Allusion Arguments Casual argument Rebuttal argument Proposal argument Narrative argument Toulmin argument Rogerian argument
  • Tips from the field
    Approximate read time: 9-12 minutes. Includes one checklist. Twenty-one tips from the field
  • How adoption works
    Approximate read time: 45-55 minutes. Includes ten checklists. Overview The Adoption Curve Definitions The process The people The forces Strategic forces Tactical forces Critical mass, plus checklist Watching while being watched, & checklist The logic of collective action, & checklist The tragedy of the commons, & checklist Network externalities, plus checklist Social Cognitive Theory, and checklist The decision Overview How to activate the decision—action checklist The Model ADKAR™—Prosci's® innovation/decision model Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement The ADKAR™ Barrier Point Using Quantitative surveys to figure out the barrier point ADKAR™ at scale Wrap up
  • Workforce analysis—talking to people
    Approximate read time: 20-25 minutes. Includes eighteen checklists. Overview Talking to people Informal conversation Semi-formal conversation Workforce analysis Prosci's® 4Ps exercise ADKAR™ at scale sentiment survey Who sends it? Questions Interpretation Going big Discovery workshops Personas Creating personas Persona descriptions Scenarios Scenario and Persona examples Persona—Executive Meet an Executive Executive workstyle Key collaboration examples Design Thinking What is it? Does it help change management? Does it align with the innovation/decision process—ADKAR™ Putting it together with Change Management Gamification How can I use it? Does it help change management? Does it align with the innovation/decision process—ADKAR™ How to run gamification (example) Rules of the game How it works How to win individually or as a team Who does what? Rewards Next Steps Workforce analysis checklist Wrap up
  • The Plans
    Approximate read time: 50-70 minutes. Includes one checklist. The Plans Sponsor Action Plan Managers Action Plan Communications Action Plan Training Action Plan Resistance Management Action Plan Change Agent Network Action Plan Sponsor Coalition Action Plan Sustainment Action Plan Master Change Management Action Plan What about Nudge-EAST? Applying EAST Driving EAST Key Steps Nudging my way to success? Aligning Change Management & Technical Plans Overview AGILE, Badgile, Fragile, Wagile AGILE isn't new I'm doing Change Management with AGILE, what’s different? An example Are there issues with AGILE? When should I use AGILE and Waterfall? What about change agility? Change agility issues? Wrap up
  • A Fable
    Approximate read time: 2-3 minutes. Fable Take-aways To-do list
Leebourke Business Change Counsel

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